Try to stay alive while fighting off hordes of zombies in this survival game.

Either I suck at this or this game is just really hard. You're armed with a sword and a gun of some sort, your task is easy - don't get your brains eaten. However, more often than not, I end up in a bloody pool followed by a voice telling me that I have indeed "failed"!
Nonetheless, this could become a pretty sweet zombie shooter game with a bit of work. The graphics are nice (although borrowed from various free sprite/tile sets) and there's a sound track that you may or may not like. The neatest feature of the game has to be the motor cycle that the protagonist is somehow able to pull out of his pocket. Nice!
The game powered by jQuery and uses a bit of Flash to get the sound going. You can choose between a
Nonetheless, this could become a pretty sweet zombie shooter game with a bit of work. The graphics are nice (although borrowed from various free sprite/tile sets) and there's a sound track that you may or may not like. The neatest feature of the game has to be the motor cycle that the protagonist is somehow able to pull out of his pocket. Nice!
The game powered by jQuery and uses a bit of Flash to get the sound going. You can choose between a
mode and a HTML/CSS mode with varying performance depending on which browser you're using.
And here I was worrying about it being too easy :P
February 13, 2009 at 3:39 PM DarkimmortalI guess it helps that I wrote the AI xD
(Hint: zombies often get trapped in bottom-right corners ;) )
And don't forget to give some of the cheats a try ;)
February 13, 2009 at 3:41 PM Execvator(Hit ` (backtick) for the console)
Backtick for console doesn't work here... does the game need to be fully loaded before you can use it or is it because I have a qwerty keyboard?
February 14, 2009 at 4:42 AM DarkimmortalAlso, the game will stop loading at the part where it loads the sounds if you don't have flash installed or are using Gnash.
Damn, can someone find out what the event.keyCode is for backtick on a US keyboard? (I'm on a UK one here.)
February 14, 2009 at 6:12 AM ExecvatorWell, I'm on a Swedish keyboard here (sorry, forgot to mention that).
February 14, 2009 at 2:43 PM DarkimmortalAnyways, first of, backtick (`) on my keyboard is on the same key as ´, so shift + ´ gives `. I used this ( http://www.ryancooper.com/resources/keycode.asp ) to get the keycode, but it returns 0 same with åäö... Though I think using ', placed over shift to the left of enter, which is keycode 222 (one less than the current key...) would work or the tab key, which is keycode 9 here, and probably on all other keyboards too?
Btw, anyway to skip the sound loading so I could try the game? :P
I tried looking around in the console, by invoking it "manually", but couldn't see anything for that...
Oh, and the hurting code needs a "plenty" value :P
Just released a new version (0.4.4) with the following changes:
February 15, 2009 at 9:29 PM Execvator- Console button is now "1" (should be more compatible :P)
- All sound calls across the entire codebase can be disabled by clicking the 'Disable Sound' link during the "Preloading Images" stage (or the "Preloading Sound" stage but I can't promise it'll still work by then).
Yep, works perfectly fine now! :D
February 17, 2009 at 1:45 PM AnonymousJust one question....
July 5, 2009 at 8:35 PM AnonymousHow are you doing collision with the environment? I thought about going with Box2DJS with gravity turned off, but you seem to be doing just fine without...
On a side note, is there some sort of pixel-perfect collision detection code pack for Javascript/Canvas that would allow me to set up collision maps in Photoshop or some other paint program?
Actually, looking at the Mallet editor gave me a good idea about the collision detection. Never mind about that question.
July 5, 2009 at 8:58 PM AnonymousYou should package both the game and the editor in a zip file, so we can have the source code. ProtoRPG just isn't enough sometimes.
July 6, 2009 at 12:49 PM DarkimmortalFor future reference the collision is hard coded bounding-box stuff. ;)
December 11, 2009 at 11:07 AM