JavaScript Wolfenstein 3D
A partial remake of Wolfenstein 3D, the legendary FPS game by id Software, this time created with

The original Wolfenstein 3D used a technique called raycasting to create the pseudo-3D environment. This technique can also be used with JavaScript and
The enemies are only partially implemented and don't do anything besides standing still and getting shot. There is also only the one level and no other weapons. The music is embedded MIDI, the sound effects are MP3s played via SoundManager2.
Check the blog posts for more details if you're interested.
(see Canvex and Canvascape). However, when I set out to make this demo, the goal was to test some "real" 3D code I'd been working on and so this game does use raycasting. This creates a couple of nasty artifacts in the rendering, but all in all it should be playable.The enemies are only partially implemented and don't do anything besides standing still and getting shot. There is also only the one level and no other weapons. The music is embedded MIDI, the sound effects are MP3s played via SoundManager2.
Check the blog posts for more details if you're interested.
Wolfenstein has finally arrived. The remake is as good as the original was. The WWII and occult formula still works.
September 6, 2009 at 2:48 AM Anonymousi love this game its much like the original and its in browser sweet! XD XD XD!
January 1, 2010 at 9:45 AM Anonymousit needs an fps limiter, the game played too fast...
June 19, 2010 at 9:47 PM