Operation 043
A cute little platformer by Peter Nederlof in which you control a one man army trying to restore world peace.

The game is pretty simple and doesn't seem to have many features but the ones it has are done well and work smoothly. You jump around from platform to platform, operating levers and shooting enemies. Ammo and gold is placed around the levels, as are enemies that don't hesitate to shoot back.
The game was made with regular DHTML techniques although the sprite animations are small GIF animations. As with Peter Nederlof's other games, there is no sound.
The introduction blurb is in Dutch, but even if you have no idea what it says, that shouldn't stop you from being able to play the game (some of it is also available in English on the game list page).
The game was made with regular DHTML techniques although the sprite animations are small GIF animations. As with Peter Nederlof's other games, there is no sound.
The introduction blurb is in Dutch, but even if you have no idea what it says, that shouldn't stop you from being able to play the game (some of it is also available in English on the game list page).