Final Fantasy Mini Battle A Final Fantasy inspired battle game by Kim Lindblom.

This is a fun little battle game inspired by the battle system in Final Fantasy and using graphics borrowed from one of the countless iterations of this franchise.

You start out by selecting which enemy you want to fight, but since you're just asked for a number between 1 and 18, with no indication of what they correspond to, you might as well just choose the "random enemy" option.

Once you're in the battle, you click the "Fight", "Magic" and "Tech" buttons to use one of the many tools available to you in order to win the fight. Quite fun, even if it doesn't last very long.
1 comment WILLS

Why would anybody think that you can post something like that online and not get called out for it. This is the Internet, people will say and do anything under the vale of anonymity.
ffxi gil

March 31, 2009 at 11:42 PM
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